Saturday, August 31, 2024

Young, hot, Hebrew

10 very first draft. 

I hadn’t been this horny in at least a couple of years.  Like the kind of horny that almost gave me the courage? To ask this young, strapping firefighter who was painting the fire hydrantsif he would take me back into the forest and bend me over a log and give me a very hard leathering for smoking outisde.  I don’t know what stopped me to be honest.

I’ve had my share of injuries from “sport.” Yes, dancing counts as a sport.  I get as sweaty dancing as any physical activity.  With some leads, it’s just all part of the casual sexually suggestive or out and out grinding with no intention of fucking.  At first, I couldn’t let my self-consciousness go enough to get the high after making that leap.  To move to music with someone without speaking, sweat sliding, body parts flying and brushing past.  It’s a complex, calm, high that feels fun during and like a success when it’s over.  Still sometimes, I get support self-conscious about being sweaty and either perceive or imagine a look of disgust when they slide down my sweaty arm. In summary, sweat pride, yes.

So I have this foot injury that likely started and was made worse by added some baller into my weekly dance schedule.  I’m not a moderate person, and I guess just overdid more than once in the wrong spot on my right foot.  

My chiropractor sent me to physical therapy.  I love physical therapy.  It has not ever felt sexual, but with any decent PT almost always works.  So, I am escorted into the exam room by a short, young woman, tiny waist, fucking petit.  Those women always make me feel like a lumox in comparison.  

But she was very kind, and I waited in the regular chair very briefly til he came in.

The first moments I have that physiological spark where our eyes meet and my clit lights up are rare.  Even as a young woman, as boy crazy as I was, what I would give lip service to as “cute” I actually have very peculiar standards and what often occurs to me as this search for the archetypal soulmate type for me.  He had it.

Blue eyes like Paul Newman.  Zing.  Usually when men tell women how beautiful their eyes are, all I can think is how transparent their conversational skills are when it’s clear the only thing he thinks are beautiful are her breasts and that ass,  Yes.

But these eyes.  Zing,.  And a Hollywood smile for punctuation.  But, his mouth turned me on, too.  I have always been turned on by un-Americanized perfectly sized, lined up teeth.  He had those perfectly proletariat, slightly crooked, but yummy mouth, lips, teeth.  Yes, please.

Hi, F? He smiles, puts out his hand.  I think I blushed.  Something happened that made both of us giggle.  He introduicedf himself with a name so middle of Indiana gentile sounding, I would never have guessed.  B.  I think I must’ve been obvious my snootiness about his lame name, and I felt the shame in the look he returned.

So, how can I help you.  I start to describe the pain, what makes it better, what makes it worse.  He seems impressed I know the names  and actions of muscles.  Well, I used to be a personal trainer.  PT’s are SO much more knowledgeable about anatomy and movement patterns and motor control than personal trainers, but he treated me with more respect like I wasn’t whiny or an idiot.

He patted the exam table like I was a puppy and said hop up here for me.  I thought he was going to hoist me up or at least assist, but we just had an awkward giggle again.

Lie down on your back.

Yes, please.   Done.

He starts with his thumbs on the outsides of my pelvis - the ischial tuberosities - they bony processes to which tensions and ligaments attached to move your bones.  Just under those are these small hip flexor assistors, TFL, tensor fascia lathe - these little, long flat muscles, pretty much on either side of my pussy which  was already noticably wet.

He took his thumbs, with definitely schadenfreude in his eyes and smirk, and dug them into my TFL and I yelped.  Ahh! I think my hips popped off the table.  Tight, huh.  Laughs without empathy.  OK, well, I won’t take any names you call me in the next 30-60 seconds personally.  Let’s get into your deeper hip flexors.  

Hey, doc.  Remember the problem is my foot.  

He sticks his thumbs back into those hollows of my hips.  I thought you said you were a personal trainer.  When did you graduate from PT school.  Jesus what a nerd.  Yes, sir.  I say, smirk and pretend to be defeated.

But I know I’m going to be ticklish when he digs into my iliopsoas.  These are between your ribs and hips, literally connecting the front of your ribs down to the illiac crest - what you think of as the top of the bowl of your hips.   Everyone’s Psoas are tight.  We sit.  They get tight.  It’s a bugger to roll them out or stretch them.

He sees me shift and sort of brace like he’s about to punch me in the stomach.  He laughs out loud.  Are you ticklish?  I almost snort I laugh so hard and say no.  (I’m so ticklish).

You know it’s a crime to lie to a medical professsional, right?

He doesn’t give me time to answer.  Big trouble.  Big trouble a person could get into.  The fucking eyebrow and half smirk.

He’s about to have his fingers digging around in my abdomen.  I yell I am so ticklish and draw me knees up and almost knock his head with my knee.  Easy, cowgirl.  I laugh out loud again.  He not even my kind of funny, but I feel like Violet in It’s a Wonderful Life, all hem hawing at George nervous, trying to flirt, looking ridiculous.

How did you know I’m a cowgirl?  You are.  He states. He doesn’t ask.  Yes, I moved here from Texas a little over a year ago.  And you were a cowgirl, huh? Well of course not, but I did ride a horse or two. Any ponies, he asked?  OMG The Pony Song from Magic Mike.  Fuck Channing Tatum is so sexy in that routine or whatever. His athleticism, mobility, musicality, flirty energy, rocking body.  Wow.  He’s too symmertrical for me though.  Yes, I would definitely fuck him. I almost couldn’t’ remember if I had just thought all that or had said it out loud.  He still hadn’t actually put his hands on my abs or tickled me,

Ok, F.  Let’s breath.  I said you know if a man tells a woman to relax, mind you yes, this is a gross generalization, but in general if a woman is anything but calm, if a man tells her to calm down or worse that she NEEDS to calm down, it is upsetting on the level of a tornado suddenly becoming a hurricane.  Word to the wise.

He started to rest his palms on the sides of my abs while he distracted me into thinking he was really considering my deep observation.  Well, played doc.  You got in there and I didn’t kick you and start a fight.  Well, I think we know who would have won.

I hope so, but he kept that one super cryptic. 

He is cryptic.  The second thing he hit me with after those eyes was that I made a mental note to fantasy brat to him in the fantasy future.  Now I was frantically trying to brat him and flirt at the same time because I knew he couldn’t spend too mush more time with me til it was time to go charm his next patient.

I don’t know how he knew that’s what I was thinking. Oh don’t worry, my next patient last minute-canceled and it was a 2 hour evaluative appointment on a bilateral below the knee amputees.  

Holy shit.  I said.  Brave soul.  Yes, she is he said.  Aw.  Sparkle tear,

So, I got plenty of time to go down your kinetic chain.  Damn that sounded dirty didn’t it.  Yes, doctor.  Most fun I’ve had all day.  He looked out the window and laughed about something from ages ago.

He wants me to lift my leg with my knee bent, then relax so I he can take my femur through the range of motion.  Let go.  Let me do it he keeps saying.  I don’t need your help.  ALMOST angry.  But not.  I keep letting go then tensing up.  As he had my leg up in the air, I squeezed my glut on that side, to “help” him put my leg back down. He gave me a swat.  I gasped.

Stop helping me.  As if that was totally normal for the therapist to swat his patient’s behind because she didn’t keep her butt relaxed.  Fuck I am horny.

Now he’s down in my calves.  Of course they are tight.  And a cruel person could easily do something the CIA would classify as torture with some trigger and pressure points.  But him?

Well, of course. What else.  OUCH! I whine when he got his middle finger dug into a knot in my calf.  I slapped his arm.  He grabbed my wrist and looked at me dead serious like he could have slapped me in the face.  Never do that.  For a second.  Then devil grin as he slowly released my wrist.  Someone needs to reacquaint herself with one or more lacrosse ballls.  

Yes, of course I said, I’d easily take one or more lacrosse players.  He gave me this bro head nod like I bet you could.

So, we’re finally to my feet.  He starts to get very serious but sweet and tender serious.  Like show me, is this what hurts, does this help?  He goes to type his notes and suddenly slaps the examining bed again and says FLIP.

Like front or back.  I can’t see him because I’ve started turning onto my front and have my head turned away from his.  I know he rolled his eyes though. I thought, bonus brat points.  Yes, please.  

OK, just relax. 

We laughed.

He said, but you said it’s only bad if you’re actually tense.  So, in this case I’m in the clear because I can tell you are already very relaxed.

He was right.  I wasn’t just neatly turned over onto my front.  I wasn’t propped up on my elbows trying to hide my ass which was about to charm him into punishing it if I could have any say.  

I had flopped my arms out and around the top, and even gave my pelvis a tiny anterior tilt.  I had to watch that one though,.  It would be so obvious to him that I was putting a kitten angle on.  Because there’s no way my pelvis would rest at a different tilt point whether lying on my front or back.

I did I let out a yummy kitten sigh.  You want me to dim the lights he asked so you can rest.  I couldn’t believe I said this.  Yes dim the lights, but not so I can rest.  

I heard his feigned pearl-clutching inhale at my implication.  

Oh, ignore me.

How could I ever do that? Pops me on my ass again.  Fuck me.  I wonder if he can see my nippels just got rock hard, even thought both my breasts are smushed into the exam table.  Like pillows for my shoulders that started to spoil out the top and sides, begging to be scooped up and squeezed til I begged to stop.

We both inhaled and shook offf our daydream.

So, let’s get you up so I can see you move.  Well, of course you’d want to see me move.  I wond my age division in the world championships of country dancing.  So for all the women in my decade, likely 90% are from the US, 7% Canada, and 3% anywhere else, I was “world champion” once.

Oh yeah? He says like a dad trying to be proud of a daughter’s imagined athletic ‘skill’.

I’m serious.  And I gave him a booty roll, single spin, hairbrush then  ’body roll.  He laughed.  Not even an impressed laugh but like a mean laugh at you.  I swatted at his arm this time.  He did that ninja thing again. This time squeezing my wrist and pulling me closer to him and in a lower, quieter voice he said I told you to NEVER do that. He kept squeezing and looking at me until I demurely said I’m sorry sir.  He gave me a totally sincere warm smile as he released my wrist like nothing out of the ordinary PT session had ever happened.

My first thought about the setup is, most PT offices have a big group exercise/therapy room.  Each patient has their own exam table but no privacy.  This place had individual rooms that seemed miraculously well insultated in terms of sound.  I just hopped they had doors that could only be unlocked from the inside.

So, B I say his name so snarky, what a brat.  I can’t help it.  What he says.  You’ve never met a Jew named B.  I laughed. Well, how did you know I knew you were Jewish.  He stood up taller, turned profile.  He looked like a Romani god to be honest.  Yeah, the aquiline nose for sure, but this chestnut tiniest of curls, thick Afro I bet was a foot long, but it only stuck up a couple of inches off his head,   Thick hair.  Yes, thick.  Of course I had already been thinking about his long, thick cirucumsized dick I’d love to get my mouth around.

Yeah, I chuckle.  I guess I see it.  And his bronze skin.  It was definitely the Mediterranean olive tan skin.  And his was flawless.  I could see a couple of distinct tan lines from the necks of the tshirts he was wearing.

What do you do that keeps you so, um, ridiculously handsome, he volunteers.  I was going to say bronze but now I’ll just ask what keeps you up at night when you can’t sleep.  And gave him the serious face.  He made an almost girlish squeal.  Then did a cute, stereotypical gay male, “girl, you scared me!”  Nerd.

So, actually, I don’t think they’re using the gym today are they, B calls to someone near the front desk.  No, she replies.  Sweet he says, and I follow him down a hallway away from all the exam rooms.  Of course, it’s getting darker down the hallway the further we go, quieter.  Uh, so how many patients do you estimate you murder down here like, per day or whatever?

I had been following directly behind him, like an obedient wife, but he slowed and walked even with me put his arm around my shoulder and tilted his head down towards me, I thought to be like big bro to little sis, but it was another like dramatic shift in his expression, and without a word, he had me so wet, I got a little weak-kneeed he had to actually hold  me up.  

Did you just swoon? He asked me.

I guffawed.  Did you just walk us back into 1933.

“Oh, doctah, I do believe I might need to lie down a spell”. I tired to sound like Scarlett Ohara.  Which is weird because ew racist, but yum Vivian Leigh. What a heart-breaker.  

B was about a head taller than I am.  So we’re walking and turning towards what I can hear are metal clanging and ropes and pulley noises, while I’m mindlessly leaning onto him and getting off on every moment.

So, your tan?  I say.  Is that a question, he laughs.  Did you mean to ask about my tan or to remark I am tan.

Yes, Rock climbing.  

Whoa.  Explains the whole package. Oh god the package.  I actually try to look down at his crotch.  I think he knows exactly what I’m thinking and that he will give me all of that long thick dick as soon as they can get into the “gym” they called it.  Cute.

Ah, awesome.  He unlocks a heavy metal deadbolt.  You signed the waiver right?  We laugh.

He pushes the heavy door open and holds it for me.

Holy shit.  Yeah he says, some more therapeutic and some more therapy causing.  I know what you mean he says.  Yes, deinifelty some trauma in here,  upon trauma.d

What about you he says.  What about me? I ask. What are you into?  He’s grinning walking closer to me about to pin me against the wall between his shoulders.

I nervously apologize to the wall. He says ouch! I don’t even consider a playful swat on his arm for making fun of me.  I can that good girl look underneath those fucking big blue Jewish marbles.  

So bouldering, free climbing, I ask hoping no no no no.  No fucking way he says.  Ropes and clipped in,  Not worth the risk.  Safety third, I say.  He laughs like he’s never heard that before.  I blush, proud to bring him the Larry the Caslbel Guy pop culture meme.`

So I’ve got my back against the far wall from the door.  He’s got me pinned between his arms, sort of pretending he has to hold his computer too, but it’s definitely an alpha move to show me he will put me where he wants me in the room whether I want him to or not.

As he started to press up against me, before I felt his abs or his pecks, I felt that long, thick cock.  I think I gasped.  I looked up at him and he looked so fucking smug.

Haha I laughed.  I started to halfway pretend to duck under his arms, but we both knew exactly what I really intended to do.

I was on my knees before him and had his scrubs down around his ankles as fast.

Commando I said.  Why bother with anything else. I said I have no idea what I’d do if I had this cock.  He said I have a lot of ideas of what I’m going to do you with this cock. 

Fuckingj god. I am so wet.  Already.  My mouth is watering I can’t wait to get my lips around him.

He puts his hands firmly down on top of my head.  To show me there was no way I wasn’t about to suck his cock exactly as he liked it and to get ahold of my pony tail.  

He jerked my head back to look up at him.  You came in hee for your foot.  How does your foot feel now? I said I don’t think I can feel my feet and I got to work.

His quads were these thick sinewy but ripped to such detailed perfection I wanted to take a bite out of them, but I focused on sucking his cock until one or both of us came.

I started licking right at the base underneath the same gorgeous, chestnu-colored thick forest of kinky hair let me run my fingers around it.  There was no through it.  It was magnificent.  He smelled a little like cinnamon, but not in an annoying ginger snap way, but in a tamarind, cinnamon, tough guy dessert shit and I knew somehow that very shortly I was about to get my assed tanned.  At least as tan as our fair hero, 

I had one hand up and between his legs, and the other buried either in the front of that delicious mound, or up towards his fucking stubble that would be punishing sand paper for my nipples later.  Fuck.

I could tell he was about to come even though when I asked him with a Mmmm? Noise, him sin my mouth, lied., No, so softly and deeply that he hanks me up by my pony tail  and shoves his toungue in my mouth his lips covering mine and i feel like I cannot possibly breathe enough of him in as I need to breathe riighr now.  Like I needed to drink, be fed, and breathe somehow all at the same time.  And we were as ravenous for each other as we were sad that we could never actually get enough.

He pushed my head back against the wall with a little thud.  Sorry, babe, too rough, he absolutely lied.  I was as still as as could possibly be with one of his hands in my hair and the other one upside down, palm towards my pelvis, his middle finger planted on my clit and I gaps for air.

Quiet princess.  I say yes without saying anything or moving a muisicle..

I can feel his bristly whiskers around his lips.  Like his body isn’t neglected, he just literally gets a 5 o’clock shadow every days.

I don’t’ think I can wait another second until I want to be split into by this cock or getting the punishment I have been yearning for, deserving, needing, batting for.  And I wanted to get it so badly and still save more of the excitement of wanted to get it and being told how badly I was going to get it and imagine next week, if I haven’t been doing all the exercises he is showing me today just as he instructs me to do, there will be severe consequences.  

I should certainly hope so.  Why else would I want to pay this much out of pocket.  I start to smirk.  He takes the hand out of my pulled hair and onto my face,  He tllts my chin up with his thumb, and with those fucking monster callouts muscle fingers is able to point my face so that I can’t do anything but look into those eyes.

Jesus fuck.  He’s literally like a Roman, or Egyptian or Turkish Vampire.  The chestnut of that fucking mane are much sirens as anything else.

You are going to do exactly as I ask you.  Yes, I say.  It wasn’t a question he says,  Has not moved a single muscle and he says hands and knees right into my left ear and pushes me to the ground.

What the fuck am I thinking he yells.

Take off your fucking clothes.  I start to take off my swater,  It’s thin, but loose, over the top of a spaghetti strap tank top,  For some reason, obviously, I had put on some old, comfy, super tight sexy boot cut jeans.  Faded from real wear and tear in all the places.  He yells stop.

I mean yes, take off the sweater and definitely the tank top,  and good you aren’t wear a bra.  I can fucking flog you the second you get your shirt off when you come in here with no bra.  You are naughty aren’t you, F. 

I can’t tell if I am seeing him with my eyes open or closed but either way, I nod and agree. Next thing I feel his hands grab me from under my hips stick a saddle or something under my tummy so my cunt is almost the highest part of me.  My legs felt weak with excitement of what I’d hope or imagine could or would happen. 

I wasn’t sure if I expected or wanted other people around like wha some people who like conspiracies think are sex rings or some bullshit, I don’t.  It’s harder than you’d think to find a real man to wrangle me. 

I’ve always wanted on some level to be restrained or punished or dominated by a male in a sexual way.  Maybe a way that starts out as fraternal protection or companion, then becomes and unstoppable passion which is filled with ecstasy and punishment.  And I always pretend to forget I “learned a lesson.”  I don’t know if anyone has figured out that that is such an easy way to brat yourself into an even harder spanking.  

I ask for some water may I have some please sir. He says yes, so sweetly, and I hear a beep, and seconds later, there are two very athletic, but executive and authoritative women would come in and hoist me to my feet and kind of steam, wash clothe, cleansing oil me, and place me back for punishment where ever it will be.

I don’t know why but soft, moist skin, has such a beautifully whipped, slapped, and tamed ring when punished, it’s unthinkable not to polish it up first.  

So these two gals are scrubbing this salt and honey all up into my asshole, lips, inner thighs, and every once in a while I feel his huge hand reach though to squeeze down on my clit and i think I will fucking die if I don;t have his cock inside me right this second.

So, I try to yell, I’m going to fucking die if I don’t have you inside me, and he slaps a hand over my mouth and says do you actually think I’m fucking your before I punish you?

I start to open my mouth to say anyhthing and he interrrutps with I mean before I punish you the first time?  Oooh I caught that totally sadistic grin.  He said, how could it not be true.  Of course I like to fuck cunts who need to be taught a lesson and are so fucking hot like you.  I know i blushed.

Get back on your knees he says loud, and low. I hear the buckle on his belt jingle.  I moan.  I haven’t touched you yet.   I can’t do anything but crave and dread what I know is about to come.

I hear the belt come all the way out of the straps.  

Wait, you weren’t wearing jeans earlier.  OK Nancy’s Drew he says, I do have places to store clothing here and  have jeans and other toys here.  Jeans are toys?

He says so deadpan I know you know what a hug mistake every one of your sarcastic, sass, or disrespectful commentary is going to hurt out here.  I actually feel a little sad you won’t be doing much sitting between today and when I see you next week.  That’s how i make sure you do your foot exercises.

I laugh out loud.  Touché.  Yes.He says.


So, since you’re a new paitient, we chuckle, how do you do safe word, etc.  Green yellow red, unless I’m gagged and then we just wing it.  Should I gag you now?  How much do you want to hear me scream.  A lot.  Well, then no gag.

F, this is going to help you remember how many of each exercise I want you to do.  OK I say.  He slaps me what feels like literally as hard as he can across my right cheek. I yelp.  Yes, sir.  Thank god he squarely and just as surely slaps my left cheek.  I think I would have bratted that one out pretty quick but he took a little pity.

So there’s 6 exercises.  Do each exercise 6 times in a row 3 times a day until next week.  

How many reps will that be.  Per day?  Yes, let’s start there.  My stomach drops out and my clit fills with blood. 6 x 6 x 3. Fuck 36 x 3? Yes.  You don’t know how much that is do you.  He says.  It just takes me a second if my heart rate is high or whatever when I have to do any carrying or borrowing or whatever.

Well, you better carry right.  Aaahh not fair. So fucking hot I want to bury my face in that mound of hair around his perfectly circumcised cock again.  Get on with the punishment.  Um, 108?

Well it sucks to be you if you’re right.  I do want you to comes back, so maybe we won’t do all those today.

He grabs me by my upper arm and I stand up.  He holds onto my arm until he can spoon me against the wall.  He cock is practically inside me through my pantries.

Sir?  Yes, good girl.  Would you please give me an OTk now because I cannot wait until you are inside me.  I expect him to agree and just take me over to his rock hard lap and those fucking hands I knew would sting, but it would be over quick.

Instead he had me pinned on the ground with his knee in my back, pinning my hands down, and giving me a tanning stinging well past my next appointment in a week.

In fact my ass swelled I couldn’t zip those jeans for 3 days at least.  

He scooped me up and sat me on the table.  Spread my legs.  I buried my face in his hair, kissing his neck 

and cheeks.  Breathing in the sex and sweat and tears of Israel.  Hahahaha. I make a mental note to brat that to him at my next appointment.  Now my car smells like his mother’s disappointment he’s not a real doctor.  Which he agrees is true, but I get in trouble for being rude.    

As of the second he walked into the room, looking at me, touching my skin, and some unstoppable collision set in motion in the universe.  As certain as the earths rotating around the sun.

I’m going to do every thing he says with and without  sand paper stubble or squishy auburn thick soft head of heair and the fucking mound.  

So one leg open and my other leg is straight and resting on his chest, and the stubble kind of tickles.  When he rams into me all at once he says what is funny?

Not your fucking cock.  Your cok dis on my fuck.  It was your lil Afro hairs tickling my legs.  Are you making fun of black people now?  Who said that?

I held onto his neck to steady myself against his powerful thrust.  He even moaned when he came.  Holy fuck.  We both climbed up to splay out on the stainless steel tables.

There was noting to do but intertwine 2 fingers, breath, and let the metal even out our body temperatures.  And thank goodness I cannot not overdo it when I find a physical activity  I  really like,  like dancing, I am not a natural at moderation over excess or deprivation.  



Young, hot, Hebrew

10 very first draft.  I hadn’t been this horny in at least a couple of years.  Like the kind of horny that almost gave me the courage? To a...